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It's an advert, which says the game will release on June the 21st in Japan, so next week.

Itadaki Street is a "Sugoroku" type of board game which easily plays and is enjoyable for everyone.

The main character of the game is you! You create your own character by combining costumes from over 100 kinds.

Brining along your DS you can compete with your friends. With only 1 card you can play against a maximum of 3 people. So 4 in total.

Hope I translated it right in my own words :) For any mistakes... sumimasen...

ChichiriMuyo take a close look at the picture, what do you see? Right, a mix of Dragon Quest and Mario characters. On the right Dragon Quest characters, on the left Mario game characters.

This profile is no longer in use, see my other profile *~Onna76~*