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So, I have to throw something out there, and who knows, a lot of people might not like to hear it. I've been hearing a lot about how the new bioflick, Selma, about MLK in the months prior to the civil rights act, is getting "snubbed" at the Oscars. And I have to ask one question. How? Seriously, How is this movies getting snubbed? It's up for best picture, which I'm not so sure it should even be up for that. And It's not that it's a bad movie at all, it's just it has A LOT of strong competition this year. The thing I'm hearing the most about is how David Oyelowo is getting snubbed for best actor. Which I'm not sure if I agree with or not, as Jake Gyllenhaal isn't up despite his amazing job in the movie nightcrawler.

But then we get to the thing I've been seeing the most. How the director should be up for best director. Why? She did a good job directing sure, but her style brought nothing new to the table if you ask me. And for the people saying she's getting snuffed, watch the movies that are up for best director, they are simple more uniquely and originally directed than Selma. Simply put selma is a Good movie, and maybe it should be up for one or two awards, but no more than that. It's a well written movie with a few very good performances, but nothing else.