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The Irish Universal Unemployment system Aka the dole - Creating famous people since 19digidy6. 

In other news, once this man is famous, watch the Irish crowds begrudge him his fame. I've even seen them doing it to Hozier, the script, Katie Taylor, U2, Roseanna Davidson and the likes.. This list is well past the 100 mark at this point.  Where other nationalities  are prioud of their heroes, the Irish like to "take them down a peg or 7". It'll be " that fella thinks he's brilliant" to which I usually respond " but he is". I then get an ear full about "sure he only got to where he is because of *enter random bullshite here*. Once you try to defend an Irish successful artist or individual from the awesome/awful power of begrudgery you'll receive the usual i.e "sure, look at, he/she/they are just a gobshite mouth piece. Not sure who they think they are". This is when you face palm and walk away.