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Goodnightmoon said:
Dadrik said:

It has QTEs, indeed, like a bunch of others (God of War, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, etc...).

Hours of cinematics ? Based on what ? You played the whole game ? How much does it last then ? Also, it's supposed to be a "cinematic" experience. We all know that. It's like blaming The Witcher 3 for having RPG gameplay elements.

Worst gameplay ? Please explain how it differs from "many others on the genre".

I´m talking about what the game seems to be based on the gameplay video they´ve made, of course i ccan be wrong and this game can be a masterpiece, but that is how the actual game feels nowadays when you watch the gameplay... my point is that doesn´t matter how many videos show how bad is the game (if is bad) when you have great trailers, i´m repeating myself a lot, but insist, game can be very very bad but doesn´t matter, is going to be a succed anywhere, and I insist this new gen is a shame, the worst gen i´ve ever see, ever, we make bad game suceed just because they show us nice graphics in hollywood trailers, and that´s a pitty NOBODY can defend that, nobody.

Well, I kinda disagree. Destiny doesn't look that good, Watch Dogs only looked good in the reveal trailer, the downgrade was acknowledged and obvious, CoD: AW doesn't look that good, etc... To be honest, I'm as puzzled as you by the "hype system" sometimes. 

Watch Dogs was obviously nothing like the reveal trailer, and this months before release, but people still bought it and bitched (I personnally enjoyed it, apart from the driving, god it was awful). Destiny never looked amazing, but people still jumped on it (it's flawed, but in the content department, and sadly that's not something you can see coming). So yeah, I still disagree with you, but now I see your point.

For example, remember the visual slap in the face that was The Division ? There are still people expecting it, but can we talk about a highly anticipated game ? Not really. Were people hyped about Ryse ? Not really. Were people hyped about Killzone: SF (except for the fans of the IP) ? Not really.

Graphics are important because they catch the eye, they make you pay attention. But if there is nothing interesting apart from that, people will eventually stop caring. 

About the overhyping we are seeing this gen, it's indeed pretty sad, but it's not due to graphics. It's because people see a big name on the box (UbiSoft, Bungie, etc...) and because they hear about the game every week on the internet. It's because they keep seeing people talking about it. There is a difference. It's called marketing. And it seems some editors are damn good at that. Nothing to do with graphics, really, or else Crysis 3 would have been hyped through the roof.


Also, you still didn't answer my questions.

Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you are necessarily right.