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Theoretical Conversation between a 'casual', and a GameStop employee

Customer: I'd like to buy Grand Theft Auto IV
Employee: For which system?
C: Does it matter?
E: Well, the 360 version is 'complete'?
C: How so?
E: It has Exclusive episodic content available to download in the future
C: Cool, is it free?
E: No, you have to pay for it.
C: Does the PS3 version have this EEC?
E: No, nothing to download after you buy it.
C: So on the 360, I have to pay to play the complete version of the game?
E: Yes.
C: I want to buy the Arcade [360], since I wanted UNO on the 360, will the downloads fit on the itty-bitty memory card they gave me?
E: Most likely not, you'll have to buy one of the XBOX 360 hard drives.
C: Those are hideously overpriced, so I can't even play the full version of the game if I buy the Arcade, which is for casual people to buy?
E: I wouldn't put it like that, but yeah.
C: Okay, I think I'll take the PS3 version then, it just feels like less hassle.

I mean, I don't think that that's exactly how the conversation will go, but I do think that this DLC is only going to be important to 'hardcore' gamers.