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I voted no, reasons:

Wii U is up YoY and Nintendo look like they'll hit their (modest) Wii U target for the FY. They don't need to drop the price because they've already done what they set out to do this year.

They will however need and should drop it in the next FY which could be anytime after March 31st. This will give it a decent chance of growth for another year.

Doing that will make things look like this:

FY13 - released

FY14 - shocking year but still technically in growth although only because of a full 12 months

FY15 - growth due to MK and Smash

FY16 - possible growth due to price cut

Thats 3 years of growth. For a dead console, thats pretty damn good.

Nintendo are playing the long game with the Wii U.