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BlowoverKing said:
episteme said:

It's time for cream's pies



I'm using very, very rough guess work here but either the 3DS did really bad this December or Vita/PSTV did pretty good. If VGC's numbers are to be believed (~908k) then my very very very rough guess work puts Vita somewhere in the realm of ~170k. On the other hand, if VGC's numbers for the Vita are true (~50k) then my very very very rough guess work put's the 3DS at a pitifully low 262k. 

VGC's numbers have the 3DS taking up ~95% of handheld sales this month and according to the pie chart the Vita seems to have way more than 5%, it looks closer to say, 15-18%.

*EDIT* Looking back through the NPD thread on GAF someone calculated the angles on the HH graph and they put the Vita at 17.6%. 

Not as bad as expected I think, unless 3DS did a lot worse than VGC shows

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