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Zekkyou said:
curl-6 said:
Zekkyou said:

I share the same opinion of you. We might not always agree, but at least i know your comments are always honest, and aren't intended to spin things to fit a specific agenda. There aren't enough people like that around here. You also have an unnaturally high tolerance for stupidity :p

And yeah, i agree... I'd much rather be talking about something like XCX's environments. Those aren't just artistically impressive, they have actual technical merit to boot. The render distance in particular deserves a lot of praise. The game transitions into its lower LOD fields fairly quickly, but it maintains those final fields for incredibly distances (without resorting to the ever present fog that inFamous 1/2 deployed :p).

Cheers man. :)

Yeah the environments are really the game's calling card, but even beyond that there's the music, the story, so many other things to cover.

I have to admit, i wasn't a fan of Xenoblade's story. The setting was cool, but the plot itself didn't do anything for me. I'm hopeful i'll enjoy XCX's more. The music though? Hnnnggg.

They did say that while the first game had more of a fantasy story, the second is more straight sci-fi.

I confess I haven't seen Attack on Titan so I'm unfamiliar with Sawano's work, but I like what I've heard in trailers.