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jlmurph2 said:
Euphoria14 said:
jlmurph2 said:

Because they already mentioned it?

In the 2nd disclaimer, yes, but not the first *, which takes precidence over the **.

They would likely track it but not disclose it in public info for a company to know which of their bundles moved best. To see how effective that bundle was.


I will have to go back and look but I am sure that after the September NPD we got further info from leakers about total Destiny sales when the bundle was included, which brought it above the XBox One version, which showed higher on the public report. If they track what each SKU sold then of course by default that includes the software sales along with it.

So your post does have something to do with the argument then?

Yes, the part about whether or not NPD ultimately tracks bundles software, as I stated. Nothing at all though with the argument you were initially having about whether or not the XBox One sold more software overall, whether that be with or without bundles included, as that wouldn't matter since PS4 had plenty of software bundled as well.

In regards to that argument it is obvious that at retail the XBox One sold more software in the US. Can't comment on who sold more digitally though or whether or not that would even factor into who sold more overall since we have no info to work off of to even begin that discussion.

Xbox One sold the most hardware and the most software between November and December. I don't see why anyone would think otherwise. Sold most software when not including bundles and sold most hardware which also included software. The winner for overall software is painstakingly obvious.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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