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Did graphics matter to gamers for the PS2? Not really. Will graphics matter to gamers for the Wii? At least not for the majority of gamers.

The Wii serves as an excellent tool of demonstrating how gameplay is trumping graphics as the most valued factor of gaming. And to be honest, graphics have ultimately plateaud, let's be honest. They look beautiful in what they can do, but the only step forward the 360 and PS3 have really made outside of polishing the last gen's 3D capabilities is HD. Graphically this is the smallest leap forward of any generation, and while yes, the Wii's graphics are behind the competition, its a subjective issue of aesthetics, if graphics really matter to you that much, then play on a PC.

Oh, but you say its the games that are the problem, the Wii only has mini-games and crappy ports after all. I beg to differ. The Wii indeed does have those now but it also has all the core games and franchises that the Gamecube did and then some and this is only in its first year. The shitty ports are something that will pass as they did for the DS. The mini-games for the Wii are no different than the mind training and puzzle games for the DS which accented the console's game library, not take away from it. Do you honestly think Nintendo is going to stop making games for the Wii after December 31st 2007? Sorry that they're not forced to brag up the next three years of projected game titles to entice consumers to buy their console. Do you honestly think this slow start, which is typical of most consoles, is going to be the trend of what's to come? Such naivity can only exist in the minds of those who fear change.

Is the Wii what gamers want? Let the sales speak for themselves.

Is the PS3 what gamers want? Let the sales speak for themselves.

Is the 360 what gamers want? Let the sales speak for themselves.

If you don't like the Wii, that's fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion and what they want gaming to be, but first acknowledge that this is only your opinion and preference, not a fact so stop trying to force it on others like you're the Nostradamus of gaming.