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vivster said:
Vasto said:
Mr.Playstation said:
Vasto said:
Alot of bad info in this thread.

Can you enlighten us on some bad info found in this thread. It would sincerely help those who may try to build a Pc from info found in this thread instead of actually researching about it themselves.

 Things like needing an I7 for gaming when I5 perform pretty much the same. SSDs make everything installed on them faster even games.

I don't think anyone said you would "need" an i7. But if you have the money, they can perform a few percent better than the i5s in certain games.

And what's wrong with the second statement? There are worlds between the loading times of HDDs and SSDs.


When building a pc you dont buy things just because you have the money. You try to spend less as posible to get the best performance. Also for hard drives I agree, thats why I said go with SSD.