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jlmurph2 said:
thedawghousev2 said:
jlmurph2 said:
thedawghousev2 said:

damn, you respond to negative xbox posts like it's your job on this site, anyway, no, they're not all on xbox. however, check out there youtube channels and twitter pages, constant racism, lies, and homophobia,and other xbox fans doing it too.

Not even going to respond to that flaming first line. 

I don't care enough about them to check out their pages. But what you did is generalize a fanbase while acting as if your fanbase doesn't have the exact same type of ignorant people in it. Stuff like "I saw some Xbox fans doing this" is not a good argument.

we're on a thread about xbox youtubers man

Does that change the fact that you generalized a whole fanbase by saying what you did? The whole point of Chazore's post was that singling out the Xbox camp is as dumb as singling out any other. Every camp has idiots

i asked the person to show me where the racists, liars and homophobes from nintendo and playstation camps are. it's right out in the open with these two dudes and their fans who are in fact xbox fans. it should've been obvious that xbox isn't the only fanbase with racists, liars and homophobes. didn't feel like i had to point that out due to how obvious that actually is.