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jlmurph2 said:
thedawghousev2 said:
Chazore said:
Dunno why you singled pro Xbox youtubers out, honestly I see the same in Pro Sony and Ninty camps, Pro Xbox fans aren't any different, hell I see pro Sony stuff on here 90% of the time while Xbox empire has it's own pro thread and even then outside their thread there's always some form of downplay for the Xbox or failure threads for Nintendo.

you see rascism, lies, and homophobia in sony and nintendo camps? show me, i want to see it.

So all the racists, liars and homophobes only have Xbox? Wow never knew that.

damn, you respond to negative xbox posts like it's your job on this site, anyway, no, they're not all on xbox. however, check out there youtube channels and twitter pages, constant racism, lies, and homophobia,and other xbox fans doing it too.


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