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I'm not trolling. This question comes from a place of ignorance. I'm inclined to think that the answer is obviously no, as the world is so large, but I don't know how this stuff works. Zelda U clearly doesn't need to worry about crazy high res textures and polygon counts like other open world games on consoles of similar power, and it is being worked on by a team that knows how to get the most out of the hardware, but I don't know if that would help enough.

Basically, with what we've seen of Zelda U, is does it seem possible that the Zelda team could be able to reach that level of 60fps? Or is it completely not realistic, given what we've seen. This is also assuming that the resolution was no less than 720p. I'm not asking if it will run at 60fps, because I have a feeling it will be 1080p 30fps. I'm asking if it could.