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Ok Then let me explain.

The Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern and Cyborg are all Movies that will eventually Lead up the justice League movies, better to make an individual Movie then for them to make Justice League and not know who the fuck Cyborg or Shazam is.(sorry for cursing, it's just normal for me)

Captain Marvel, Ant-Man and Doctor Strange (How dare you say who lol) Are all lead ups to the next Avenger movies and The Infinity Wars (Thanos Hype!)

Sinister Six is just Sony milking the Spider man Franchise (just like the aunt may movie they're making) which actually will be interesting too see what they're going to with these villains.

Alot of people think that it's all just to make money,but it's like phases or so how Marvel calls it, to introduce new Heroes and villains.

Also Fox is going to Make a Deadpool, Age of Apocalypse and Gambit movie so there's a X-Men Orgasm right there.