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Cap 2 is the best film they've made yet. Superbly acted, characters spot on (except a non-Russian sounding Natasha but I've had that issues since she started speaking) and a great story.

The universal love for GOTG was because no one expected much and it turned out really fun. Sure it won't win any oscars but having fun in a movie going experience is just as important.

What's weird is that in your mention of the problems of the films in that they didn't call on their allies, it is essentially the same in the comics. You know Ironman has his own issues right? Against his villains, yet he'd have an easier time if he just called over Vision or Scarlet Witch each time. What about Spider-man? He struggles in his fights they he's got pals in all the other low levels in New York, he doesn't call on them. Reason being, those comics are not their comics, they are his. Those films are not Ironman's films, they are Thors or Caps.

But the movies do affect each other, Tony Stark went through his crisis because of going into space. In Cap 2 the big ships were built for people's protection because of Thor and Avengers (they wanted to protect people, big weapons are the way to do that).

On the last point, I'm guessing because no one knew. The invasion was Thanos and his army only. Earth does not communicate with the outside world.

Hmm, pie.