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Smear-Gel said:
Aerys said:
tak13 said:
bubblegamer said:
Ouch WiiU really down. PS4 sales are ok with how little games it has right now. PS Vita is also down. Wonder if it will get a price anytime soon!

But wii u was week over week up,26k down is low and being above ps4 and especially outselling psvita for fourth straight week,i.e for the whole december in JAPAN is great,while some expect it to drop like a rock and be below ps4 and psvita for that week...!

Objectively,the ouch should go to ps4...If you can't see that isn't good,I can't say anything!See you in 2015...for the over-used argument of little games...


Though he is right , you dont know what youre talking about , its next week PS4 should be above, and thé fact you dont want to understand PS4 cant sell better without enough games ( while WiiU already had 2 biggest nintendo system seller, still its selling less than least year)shows your agenda ts next week that PS4

I read this last week and the week before that. 

Maybe you could try to understand what you read to argue... You could just look at the fact and see PS consoles always get a big boost for the new year

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m