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As a character, he was revolutionary.  Peter Parker was far from perfect, which broke away from borderline infallible heroes like Batman and Superman.  Spiderman told jokes, he got his ass beat, he made huge mistakes, and he struggled to make a living while juggling his personal life with the adventures of his alter-ego.  He didn't like superhero teams and he wasn't afraid to mock the "serious" types.  His life was cluttered, complicated, and realistic (kinda).

What made Spiderman for me, what really, honestly made me a fan was the two issues where he fought the Juggernaut.  Well, I say "fought", but it was really him just trying to stop the Juggernaut, cause he knew he couldn't actually BEAT the Juggernaut.  It was such an atypical hero fight.  Spiderman was getting completely creamed but he just would not give up, even though he really had no reason to fight.  As someone who hated the "overdog" type of comic, where the hero SHOULD win, it really captured my interest.