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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Well, it depends on how Nintendo wants to do it... Like, if they once again, launch with a gimmick like how 3d was + over price it during launch + have it under-powered due to the gimmick, then I can see it be a decline but if they do it well, I can see an increase in sales cause most likely, Sony isn't going to make a successor to their handheld after the vita's low sales imo. So the Japanese third party might come to Nintendo's next handheld platform if Nintendo plays their cards right

And same goes for Nintendo's next home console. If they play their cards right, it will be an increase but if they focus on a gimmick that doesn't justify purchasing the console in the eyes of most consumers, then it will either decline or stay about the same as the wiiU

And if its a fusion nonsense, then I say it will sell less than both 3ds + wiiU combined

In agree with you that Sony are done after the vita but why don't you think ninty will be done with a home console? If the next Wii fails badly I see them going mobile only.  I'm very pessimistic for the next Wii as it comes out when the ps4 and x1 will be hitting their stride. Ps4 will have a big lead which I think means x1 will be below 250$ come next Wii release and ps4 will be 300$ max. I just can't seesaw they can make a home console relevant.