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Clyde32 said:
They want to smoke out Russia.

This. It's a war fought with economy so far. Let's hope it stays that way.

Also, the prices of other goods won't go down so fast. That takes a whole lot of time and it remains to be seen if the situation keeps on like this. At the moment, the USA became the largest oil country in the world thanks to fracking. But with the current prices, it doesn't make any economical sense anymore to get new sources, the price for fracking is just too high. America keeps up anyway to hurt russian economy and that with huge success as the russian economy is pretty much down to its knees. Anyway, we'll see what will happen. Will also be interesting to see the long-term effects on the environment. All that fracking could backfire big time on the US in the future. 

A gallon of gas in germany is 4.92 € btw. That equals 5.91 $.

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