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Ryudo said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
kinisking said:
2 is right. Not sure about 3 since it's not permanent. 1 is a definite no. The guys who make Witcher are much better. 4 is a maybe seeing as how bayonetta is said to be better

God of War is the top selling hack n slash of all time and continues to hold the crown for the genre. Bayonetta is great but purely from a gameplay standpoint. God of War tones it down and brings it back to a world where gameplay can exist in tadem with a proper story. Thats Sony's MO with most of their action/adventure titles.

lol GOW is the most shallow action game series ever made. Hit circle until a QTE pops up. GOW ripped off and made a dumb version of Castlevania Lament. DMC put action games on the map. GOW even ripped off Rygar. Kamiya owns the genre and Bayonetta series is truly deep combos and one of the deepest around. Kamiya has more game design understanding than any GOW game has in his left nut. People buy GOW because it's easy and shallow. GOW is an awful series with a terrible main character and lousy shallow game design. Ys VI has deeper action combat than GOW. I'm dead serious. If someone likes GOW over Bayonetta fine but look at actual game design and GOW is a scrapped together simpler version of other games before it.

I can't believe that one of the biggest Playstation haters on this forum doesn't like God of War. I also remember you saying that LittleBigPlanet ripped off Megaman lol. You clearly don't know much, or anything really, about Playstation games so I'm not sure why you even talk about them .

In fact I'm not sure why you're in this thread at all. God forbid somebody makes a positive thread about Playstation. We clearly need people to rain on OP's parade. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!