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1. Because its not Halo, Call of Duty, or Battlefield

Or made/published by the same people. Most shooters that don't already belong to an established franchise don't do well. Spec Ops? More like Spec Flops! ZombiU? more like Zombi who! Metro Last Light? Sniper Elite 3? Didn't sell well either.

2. Because it actually has a single player campaign

Recently, the best-selling shooters either have a single player campaign that is either shorter than it's predecessors (Call of Duty), extremely minimal (Destiny), or just about absent entirely (Titanfall). 

Devil's Third will fail because an extensive single player campaign has been promised. Given sales trends, gamers tend to prefer FPSs not to have a single player campaign at all.

3. Because its multiplayer and overall gameplay will be too different

Levels customized by users and clans? A variety of never-before seen win conditions? Uniquely blended FPS and hack-and slash combat? Pass. I'd rather play on Coagulation on Halo MCC for the millionth time in my life. Or buy the same maps for CoD all over again.

4. Because its Nintendo

Speaking of different.... you know who really suck at doing stuff that's special and different? Nintendo. They're awful at it. 

This even applies when Nintendo works with external studios as they did with Bayonetta 2 and Hyrule Warriors. I mean, come on, Bayonetta is just another GOW clone and Hyrule Warriors is just another Zelda game.

5. Because the online will work day one

As for Nintendo, did you know that all their online multiplayer WiiU titles released this year have worked since their launch? Granted, the online will largely work because no one will play it. 

Regardless, Nintendo is following a dangerous path with working online.

A key factor in a successful launch of a multiplayer FPS is broken online play at launch. It gets everyone talking and, more importantly, whining about your game. If a game isn't worth whining about, no one will buy it to complain about what a broken POS it is. This was particularly essential for Battlefield 4 and Halo MCC. 

6. Because it doesn't deserve to be successful

If a game is not on Playstation, Xbox or PC, it doesn't deserve to be successful ever. Period. In the off chance DT sells more than a million units and does well on Metacritic, we have to insist that the game would be better if it were on PS, Xbox, or PC to begin with.

Despite the WiiU version being the only one, we have to acknowledge that its not definitive and that it's a flop relative to it's thereotical PS/Xbox/PC counterpart.

7. Because graphix

Clearly DT was intended from the ground up to actually be a PS2 gaem.  In fact, because I'm so sure it's a PS2 gaem, I'll wait until Devil's Third inevitably comes to PSN so I can play it on the Vita.  Should be alright there, but I think I'd go Bayo 2 on Vita first.

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016