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sc94597 said:
GribbleGrunger said:

Weird, weird weird. Who the the hell cares what exclusives the PC has? Stuff PC. I'm not interested in PC. I'm sick and tired of PC. This is an article about putting a PC together to compete with consoles. Are you with me yet?

You mentioned thar the PC wont have Xbone or PS4 exclusives. Well the same argument can be made for the Xbone/ps4 with regards to Pc, but also with regards to eachother. An xbone doesn't have PS4 exclusives nor does a PS4 have Xbone exclusives.

Outside of Far Cry, Portal, Battlfield and the WItcher....what PC games that came to console has console gamers truly been clamouring for as of late? I've heard more PC people making statements for console exclusivity than ever anyone bragging about PC exclusives. This is why a lot of PC gamers who value console gaming above all else have a secondary console so they can enjoy the exclusives. Not saying that no one has been talking about PC exclusives, but the way the marketing goes the masses will notice a console game before they will ever hear about a PC game unless its WOW.