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RubberWhistleHistle said:
DerNebel said:
Goodnightmoon said:

Are they games? of course, but afterall they are only excuses to earn money because ther´s no retrocompatibility on one and ps4, that´s all, if not, probably this games won´t even exist. If we can count on that, then we can count on all the wii games you can play on Wii U, all of them, not only 4 on HD.

We count on that for what? To be able to play them? Yes of course you can. You do realize that not everyone is as invested in the listwars as you apparently are, right?

 i have a feeling you would be singing a different tune if nintendo rereleased super metroid, a link to the past, ocarina of time, super mario world, etc in physical format for the wii u this year and we had nintendo fans making threads dancing around saying WII U HAS 20 90+ METACRITIC GAMES RELEASED IN 2014!! NINTENDOMINATION!!! 

you would see a problem with that, wouldnt you? i certainly wouldnt be counting those games, and i love nitnendo.

Are you kidding me? I wouldn't give a shit and it's already happening anyway, when Nintendo rereleases their older games on newer systems they are always counted.