kljesta64 said:
nice thats probably my favorite timelapse shot in a movie the actor had to stand there for 8 hours lol I uploaded even more movies ..blue spring so far has the most views second is a snake of june which is kinda surprising..some movies I had to take down damn youtube policy and some I cant upload because the files are to large but I will try to upload memories of murder one of my favorites its already available but the quality sucks. |
Cool, I've got your page bookmarked for later. My wife is sick an wants to be able to listen to the movies while laying on the couch, so foreign language is out for now.
In the past few days we watched Christmas vacation, Elf, Spirited away, The life aquatic, The wind rises, Nightmare before christmas and Her. Her is better than I remembered, The wind rises unfortunately not. The slow pacing didn't work for me this time. The life aquatic is still funny. I forgot how low budget that movie was. The special effects are, well, cute. The boat set is great however, that tracking shot along all the compartiments is amazing. He didn't perfect the fixed panning camera yet, still slightly rotates back and forth while panning.