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I totally agree with the article.

Interesting is, it really seems you can´t bet on the same horse for more than two times, because consumers get bored.

Look at Sony: They followed the same strategy for 3 times and the third time they failed (?).

Look at Sega: They always followed the same strategy but after a succesful second console the other two failed.

Look at Nintendo: Third Handheld Generation and they are still market leader. Why? Well, they expanded the market the third time.

I guess, we, as consumers just can´t play the "same way" for more than a single decade...after that it gets boring.

Every second generation there seems to be a big market expansion in this industry. Probably because after 10 years of "the same" consumers are ready for something new and technology is also ready.

I´m really looking forward to 2015