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Gilgamesh....why are you making us do this? There's no way you don't know all the answers to your questions, having been a member of this site for nearly as long as myself. Are you trying to run it up the flagpole that given all the great content that Nintendo continues to provide that you still don't find it appealing enough to give your wife a freaking gift she is asking for.

The WiiU plays Wii games. That really is all the reasoning you need to go out and pick up a bundle this holiday season. You've missed out on two generations of some of the greatest 1st party work Nintendo has ever produced. Many of the games that made the GC so great are also on the realistically you're looking at 3 systems worth of goodness.

But maybe you're like me...maybe you don't want another system because you're afraid it will eat up into more of your time. I get that...and owning a Nintendo system will definitely do that. Or maybe you're afraid that it will eat up into the time your girl wants to spend with you...I get that too. On the other really open yourself to a lot of great bonding time with the woman you love. Mario Kart 8 alone justifies this purchase.