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Meathands said:

You aren't going to see cheating devices on the 360. These devices tend to work by poking around bits in memory while the game is running. That's fine for single player games, but there is nothing to stop the same prodding when you are online.

So these devices make it possible to cheat in online games basically destroying the online community. Just look at what happened to Socom on Ps2 it was hacked with these devices just hours after it launched.

Additionally with the 360, cheat devices would mess with value of achievement points as people would find how to hack those. I'm afraid you are stuck with gamefaqs.

 Your reasons are why you don't think they should make one but they don't wait on MS to authorize it. Codebreakers for the ps2 isn't authorized. Secondly everyone is already cheating acheivments Xport xploder all these devices that allow you to download game saves you can easily download a save where someone has full acheivements and when you put it on your machine it'll unlock all acheivements so it's pointless to protect that. besides it's not like acheivements translate to money or anything, half of the acheievements aren't even acheivements in their own right. Guitar Hero 2 gives you one for losing a song in easy mode, another for playing one song lefty(which I am, so I got that automatically) TMNT had tons of stupid easy ones. They are treated as a worthless number that is only significant to the person who scored it. (so if you cheat you don't care about it) In fact there are games like 2K7 that allow you to set your own difficulty to insanely cheap levels by doing this you can cheat within the game by the games own design to get acheivements.

As far as using cheats on online services I totally agree, I don't think they should be used there, and I think in MS Live they should come up with a way to prevent that. But honestly I'm personally never online, and I'd get way more from a cheat device then a clean online gameplay. Besides when I have gone online I've only played with actual friends of mine, seriously nothing is fun on there with a bunch of total strangers, it's worse then playing against the computer, in my opinion anyway. I think MS should approach Gameshark and company and allow them to make a device only if they create a resriction against use online. That is the only way that's going to get resolved. Otherwise they'll make it without restriction and MS will have to jump through hoops to police it through LIVE.