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A price cut will help. I wont buy one until its 150 or less. Its a PS2 that plays mario with basicly a NES remote...only with motion. The PS3 is high priced for a game console, as is the 360. The pS3 is not just a game console though. That is where its "worth" comes in. With the PS2 the price was high but it played dvds as well. so people could save some money and buy just a PS2....a lot of people did this. With the PS3 they took that a step further and added non-proprietary media readers, upgrade capabilities for the HDD, Location free capabilities and BD support. All of which are very important to me. Had nintendo added a dvd player into the mix then I could consider it. At least I would be able to put a couple in my car to play movies and games......for that the PS2 is doing just fine for now.