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I can't wait to watch that entire 45 minute battle scene at home again...Also I forgot to mention, but I loved the end "boss" fights as well. Bolg Vs. Tauriel and the other dwarf (Filli/Killi?) as well as Legolas plus Azog Vs. Thorin.

The bridge scene with Legolas and Bolg was epic! Having the thing slowly collapse as they fight on it was so cool, although I will admit what Legolas did with the climbing and shit was kind of too much...I heard about it in reviews and I was watching the fight thinking what the hell were they talking about? This fight scene is epic! And then that part came and I'm like ohh okay I get it lol. Still very cool, also love how it ended.

I've actually really enjoyed all three films, even if the hardcore Tolkien fans don't seem to like them. People complain about the CGI, but I only have minor complaints. Overall shit looks stunning. Smaug, Azog etc look amazing and some of the backdrops are gorgeous.

I've personally watched both the behind the scenes footage from the Unexpected Journey and Des of Smaug and I can see how much time and effort these people put into these films, and when I see someone online complain about one little scene that has iffy CGI it just makes me really sad that they never really seem to praise all the good work they've done for the film, they only ever point out the negatives.

I'd give this trilogy a solid 8.5/10. Smaug was wonderful, possibly the greatest CG character right after Gollum and the final battle exceeded my expectations.

Original LOTR trilogy is a 9.5 for me.