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and this corresponds to the other poster vance.
the problem is, parents buy because the demographic cant afford it otherwise
yes, surely there is a percentage that exists, but a parent is generally gping to buy a console for a kid during Christmas.
this follows with the demographic and christmas popularity.
nintendo has the youngest audience, and for the past many years has had the biggest increase in holiday numbers.
360 had the second youngest and the second highest increase
ps3 had the oldest and the least increase.
additionally except for 2010, this is conversely true with sales during the year
ps3 highest, 360 next, wii last
So ps sells most during the main year, 360 next, wii last and the opposite becomes true during christmas.
can you think of any other reason other than presents for kids?
This is matched yet again by infoscouts report that most wiiu were bought for kids. Etc.

I mean, if you think there is some other explanation than these sales are increased because parents are buying for kids I would love to know. Price drop? When dropped to 399 it dropped back to its regular weekly. There is one explanation that solves all these problems elegantly and that is the present theory.