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ohmylanta1003 said:

This is absolutely ridiculous that Sony has allowed these hackers to get there way. I cannot believe that this entire movie will never be showed to the public. Whiny little bitches do get everything they want, don't they? Fuck this bullshit. What Sony should do is make it available on all movie streaming services. Put it everywhere. That way, the theaters don't have to worry about attacks and honestly, what more could be done to Sony? Release it on VUDU, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, iTunes, anything that can fucking play movies. Make a statement with this movie, even if you did lose $42 million dollars because of it. Hell, broadcast it on national television. Are we really bowing down to these North Korean hackers? Looks like it...

Edit: I'm actually not really mad at Sony, I guess I'm just upset that the hackers actually got what they wanted. Hopefully, Sony comes up with a good plan to send a message back to these fuckers. I'm hopeful that they will.

Seriously I despise the scumbags that did this and think Sony is completely incompetent when it comes to security. BUT, Sony and the movie theatres are businesses, like it or not they are not their to stand up to terrorists or any other sort of attack, they are there to make the decisions that are in the best interests of there shareholders. A businesses first obligation is to the shareholders. This movie at best was going to be mediocre, it really makes little business sense for a cinema to take the risk, no matter how unlikely it is to occur and it almost certainly would not be worth putting the extra security in place for screening.

Theatres made business decisions. Sony have also made a business decision based on what cinemas have decided. I can't fault either for what they have decided even if it does mean the scumbag hackers got what they said they wanted (not even really sure that is true as whether it was NK or someone else the exact same demands make sense, NK as they don't want the movie, anybody as it makes NK a convenient scapegoat).