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joeorc said:
theprof00 said:
joeorc said:
Get ready/for NSA now having a direct open back door into every computer system open ..for you know...."protection purpose"

its that or Sony gets sued to death in court for ever..well after this , this just gives Govt. More excuse to exploit more privacy rights of people.

But of course Sony will still get the Blame, so its all good right?they already the law suits have already started.

Government will pay them off. Like, what? You seriously think that a company based in America has to deal with the repurcussions of a terrorist attack by a hostile nation?

Sony will get sued, and it'll get settled. NSA will still push for these backdoors though.

yes, and how many law suits do you think Sony will get from this? you think not many? or just because its Sony that it will get over looked?

the over site already looked at sony in 2011, and now again..yeah you do not think that will not effect the outcome? Sony no doubt will have to have oversite on their network by "outside means now" ie: forced over site for they could not expect the hacking attacks to stop that = more money Sony will have to pay on a increased basis.

this may be the first death by cyber attack of a company, due to cost over runs due to security costs/ being unable to be met. think about this the, destruction to Sonys Network security viability being heavy will be seen as "never good enough" because they can keep breaking your security! every time it does = further perception. already its had an effect across all of Sony company parts. already there is media asking is this a previewmof now PSN getting attacked again..and if the hackers get through? what than?

enough of this destruction to "network security perception" could in effect force Sony to close its network completely due to cost over runs of increased security costs that Sony could not be able to buy. 

I'm sorry dude but this is just wild speculation. The US government will step in on behalf of the citizens affected. This will die down over time for Sony, not ramp up and create hysteria and cause the collapse of a company that is primarily fed by it's insurance branch in japan. Hollywood wants them to release the film. People are on Sony's side for this, but they're upset at the decision. Your prediction is really quite out there, likely fed by some internet banter.

Forced oversight of their networks will bankrupt them alongside a decline in purchases due to an irrational fear that they will be hacked again? I mean, cmon man. Take a breath and think about this.