Dog Sled Saga Has It All: Dogs, Sleds, A Saga
By Shaun Green on December 13th, 2014 at 3:00 pm.
Huskies are brilliant dogs. This isn’t just because they look great (to my mind, only the Shiba Inu hedges ‘em out). It isn’t just because they haul sleds (although that, too, is brilliant). It’s because they’re great dogs for facts. For example, did you know that they’re one of the oldest existing dog breeds, believed to have been about for over three thousand years? Or that they can travel about hundred and fifty miles in a day – in Siberian conditions, whilst hauling loads? Or that they can run at up to fifty miles per hour?
Well, now you do. And now that you’re equipped with almost as many huskie facts as I am, we’re ready to journey together into the world of Dog Sled Saga.
One Cut: Samurai Duelling In Kiai Resonance Trailer
By Cara Ellison on December 13th, 2014 at 4:00 pm.
It’s not knowledge I often get to use, but I have a shodan in Iaido, the Japanese art of the drawing of the sword. I practised Musoshinden Ryu in a budoukan on the quiet side of Kagoshima city, Japan. It is a precise and very frustrating martial art to learn: one learns first how to tie the hakama, or plaited trousers, then one learns how to tie the obi so that the sword hilt sits almost horizontal, right at the navel for quick draw. Then one learns to sit, for hours, in seiza – folded knees. Then meditation, a bow to the sword on the floor in front of you.
But Kiai: Resonance gets right, aha, to the point. It’s a samurai duelling game about one hit kills. One hit kills were the speciality of the samurai in the Kagoshima region, where I studied.
Strewth, It’s Strife – Veteran Edition
By Adam Smith on December 12th, 2014 at 5:00 pm.
Strife, originally released in 1996, could be seen as the answer to that most famous of critical questions in the history of gaming. Not ‘Were Sonic games ever any good?’ or ‘Do people actually enjoy racing games or do they just like the crashes?’ – not even the one about whether the 1982 E.T. game was actually the world’s first misunderstood arthouse walking simulator. Strife answered a very specific question, extrapolated from Edge’s review of the original Doom. What would happen if you could talk to the creatures? In Strife, you can. Eighteen years after its original release, the FPS-RPG is returning later today in a revamped ‘Veteran Edition’.
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