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I called it. I thought we might get a different character instead. Oh we.. I may have been better to get all characters for all regions, but I haven't liked lucky chloe at all.

It seems most fighting games these days are really missing the ball when it comes to making new characters. Rufus was bad, and I'm not liking Cassie Cage much either... Hakan is just.. I can manage Hakan, but Lucky Chloe? No. Catalina seems like a good character too, and I haven't seen enough of the others to make an opinion yet.

But, I don't think people want to play as someone that's out of shape. It's a very real thing that's looked down upon. You don't want to play as someone who doesn't seem like they know how to fight, or is an overall joke. You want to play as someone with assurance and battle ready.

That's why people don't like Rufus. At least Hakan, who may be weird, still at least takes himself somewhat seriously. Just need characters that look like they could believably win the Iron Fist Tournament. We all know most of the characters that come into Tekken aren't the type of characters that we could see at the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Get more characters Like Lars, minus the super sentai/power rangers posing, and characters that look like they could take on Heihachi, Kazuya, and Jin, and people wont complain so much.

Tekken isn't Tekken without the animals, and non-sense, but, really... hardly anyone uses those characters.