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Well let's see the nominees; 

First off we have Indiana Jones, wait no that's uncharted 4.

Second, first person star wars, wait no that's halo 5.

Thridly we have.... an actual legit first person star wars (Battlefront). 

Coming in 5th there's... Legend Of Zelda.

6th is, Final Fantasy with mechs, hang on no, that's xenoblade X 

7th is.... dark souls three, the quest for more blood

No.8 is.. hang on I think I'm reading this incorrectly, a Japanese game where you shoot ink, and squids aren't molesting shool girls (Splatoon). 

No.9 is X-wing simulater..... I mean Star Fox U 

And at No. 10 is First person star wars... uch fuck the jokes gotten old by now *sigh I mean "No man's sky". 

The way the years shaping up, my guess is that it's going to be something sci-fi related (sorry fantasy nerds).