Zekkyou said:
What does the PS4's GPU advantage have to do with anything? The X1 could probably run Bloodborne at 1080p/30fps too, far be it they'd need to more heavily optimize the game. From Software aren't known for their graphics tech or optimizations skills lol. Comparing a near release build of Bloodborne to Uncharted 4's pre-alpha stage should make that clear. On a side note, the PS4's GPU is 40% 'more powerful', not 50%. The 50% figure is in reference to the number of shaders both have, but the X1's are clocked slightly higher (1152x800Mhz vs 768x853Mhz). That doesn't include things like the PS4's 6 extra ACE units or higher GPGPU capabilities, but it's hard to quantify that stuff. Not that we really need to right now; it will be a few years before we see the effects of such things. |
It was a hit and run comment. Contributed nothing to the discussion other than to stir the pot and start a console war.
Sigs are dumb. And so are you!