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While people are reading this as: Future versions of SFV will be multiplatform. They were already saying this before capcom came outright and said SFV would never be a multi-platform game. PS4 and PC versions can be played against each other online.

Even IF it did come to xbox, it would have to do the same thing. Microsoft hasn't been the one to do multiplatform. They've only done it once as far as I know. And that was well over 10 years ago.

Denial at it's best. I just don't see why capcom would clarify, saying that they went to Sony to get this game made faster, having it made, and then, despite all that, the Xbox One essentially gets a PS4 exclusive.

Microsoft did the same with Deadrising 3. So what. PS4 wont get it. If you want it, get an Xbox One. PS4 has SFV. It wont get Deadrising 3. Same case. If you're salty, get an Xbox One.. Otherwise, pipe down and dilute that stuff with a glass of water.

Besides. People who like SFV and have a PS4 wont be migrating back to Xbox when the "2nd Impact" version of the game comes out. It will come to PS4 too... And I say "2nd Impact" because I'm sure it wont be called super... It wont be called 2nd impact either, or else this version would be called "New Generation."

If you want the game, just get it on PS4. Sony is paying to have this game made, and if they didn't it would have added at least an extra 3 years to the waiting period.

This isn't like tomb raider.