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Jimbo1337 said:
dane007 said:
Jimbo1337 said:
dane007 said:

Same here, i have been waiting for a good AAA since TLOU remastered edition. By the looks of it , i would have to wait till at least february. Thats a long time , providing those two games , do not get delayed further. Well not everyone will purchase ps4 multiplats. I for one will purchase multiplats , due to the fact that it has better online infrastructure, better controller,  prefere achievement points over trophies and also because i can install the game on an extrnal hard drive which i can't do with the ps4, which is frustating. After thoses two games in feb , what games will come out on ps4? Theres no confirm date for UC4 at this point in time and we could be waiting a long time for a  next big exclusive from sony . 

Man the forest was thick!  

Had to chop down some serious trees.  Thank me later.

While chopping down some serious trees, you encountered the slenderman. Sadly you weren't able to survive long enough to find the missing pages :P :D. by the way you have a pas4 or XO or both

I have a PS3 and looking to upgrade to the PS4 down the road.

Those damn pages!  *Slenderman reaches out*  I think he's touching me!

Ah , ps3 is a not bad machine considering psn plus for it was great. Thats th eonly reason why i still play my ps3 lol.  

Your body started to hardened. feeling the sexual arousal  from slenderman touch, you finally gave in. The rest of night was filled with howls and screams, that nobody ever saw !