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I worry a whole lot about this game but ill start off about what i love.



-from what we've seen i love how open the world is and how crazy the draw distance of the area is. 

-character models look absolutely insane!!

-music is very nice in deed

-love the envoirment designs. Beauty landscapes and architecture!



-i worry that the story will be crap and that this whole male only cast wont create alot of diversity. They all seem borrong and cliche to me..

-Worry that the game just wont work, its been years in development and could turn out like duke nukem.

-All the trailers show how open the game is so i worry that in truth its pretty linear.

-im afraid of the boyband road trip thing...i hope there is a good reason for it so i can take the characters seriously.

-combat will be broken and very bad to control or that it becomes a hack n slash.



Wont say i hate but more so that i dislike until or if the game proves me wrong.

-the character designs are bad and from what ive seen from the characters personalities, they seem boring.

-the road trip kpop band vide i get from thr trailer. ..looks terrible

-cant play as female character and Noctus only.