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noname2200 said:
David_Hernandeez said:
I will join, but explain it to me a little more please :) my ID: davidhernandez2013

No problem, and welcome aboard!

So in a few weeks' time I'll jumble all the participants' names into a (figurative) hat, and everyone will give a gift(s) to the person they were assigned (their "Tim") before the end of the year. They will also receive a gift before the end of the year from their "Santa," which is a third participant who was assigned you as their "Tim."

Basically, you give a gift(s) to someone, and you get a gift(s) from someone else.


Edit: I tried to get to your Steam ID but couldn't find it. Did I type it in wrong?

Ok I get it, I want to join, if you couldn't find me here is

or David Hernandez'