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Uncharted 2 is the strongest entry in the franchise and Uncharted 1 is pretty good too, but it feels a bit old compared. Afterwards, if you want more story driven goodness, try the last of us if you haven't already. It's a big change from the uncharted series but it's really engrossing.

The Jak HD and Rachet and Clank HD collections are a fantastic option as well. 6 games in total, they will keep you busy for months and then you can try the rachet and clank PS3 trilogy which is some of the best action in the PS4, in my opinion.

The Resistance franchise is really underrated but tons of fun too. It's from the makers of rachet and clank so it's a good time guaranteed. the first and third are really good, while the second falls behind a bit but it's still enjoyable.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian