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Ssenkahdavic said:
Only thing I take from this is that the Xbox Undershipped. Could you imagine if they didnt?

 It would've just taken a little while longer like it did with PS4. I believe the only reason why PS4 seems to be taking a little longer to sell out is because there's a lot more PS4's available. MS announced they'd have 10 million shipped "shortly", right? Well, we still never got any clarification on just what shortly means. That number could've easily just been the number of consoles they would have shipped to retailers by the end of the holidays. MS has made some desperate moves to push their console's sales as of late, which also means they're going to be careful. The more consoles they manufacture, ship, and sell at a loss, the more money they lose. I think you're right about it being undershipped i the sense that MS didn't ship as many as they normally would. 

That being said, I really don't think MS should be celebrating too hard. Let's not forget that 1) this is the US, and 2) the PS4 is most likely doing equally as good, if not better. Let's not forget that pretty much throughout the entirety of last gen in the US, the 360 reigned superior over the PS3, especially on Black Friday. PS3 did great, but there was never really competition there. 360 was the console to beat. The fact that MS is making some very desparate moves, vs. Sony doing nothing besides more expensive bundles, and still only achieving parity in only the US, says a lot more about the PS4 and Sony than it does about XBone and MS. Greenberg should probably think before he tries to throw rocks when he's in a glass house, himself.

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon