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naruball said:
ExplodingBlock said:
naruball said:
Serious question: do we know if wiiu has made a profit so far? Does Ninty release separate numbers for 3ds and wiiu?

As of May 2014, Nintendo is making profit on each Wii U sold, so even if they sell under 20k a week they could still make profit. Before this they were having big losses since they used to be selling Wii U's at a loss. And for the second question, yes, they release seperate numbers for each systems every quarter

Maybe I wasn't clear. I wasn't asking whether Ninty is making a profit at the moment but if it has made a profit, i.e. with everything put together (R&D,  advertising, cost of every game they have developed, cost of servers, loss of money on every console sold for years, etc.) has it made a profit overall? Again, in other words, had they never made wiiu, would they have saved money or have they made more money than  they have spent?

Hard to say for sure, but you could look at it this way...

- Should 3DS by itself be profitable?  Seems likely.
- Has Nintendo overall been *profitable since Wii U released?  No.

Therefore IMO Wii U has likely not made a profit to date, it's eaten 3DS's profit.

* Profitable as in Operating Profit, i.e. profit from video game operations not from investment income, exchange rates, etc.

My 8th gen collection