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kristianity77 said:
Samus Aran said:

I really can't understand the hype and sales for PS4. It's like gamers don't actually care about the most important thing... Games.

Now don't get me wrong, PS4 will end up with many great games during its lifetime (a lot of them will even be exclusive), but that isn't the case right now. Most games available now are also on the PS3. I guess that disproves the myth that graphics don't matter. Obviously they're super important for the majority of the gamers.

So much wrong with this comment I dont know where to start.  In the last couple of weeks alone we have had Far Cry 4, Dragon Age, GTA V.  Of course graphics matter.  If they didn't we would all still be playing on PS1s and PS2s and earlier.

All of the above games are available on PS3 you are indeed correct.  But none of them play as well on the older systems, nor look as good, nor run as nicely.  So obviously people are going to buy these games on the new systems.  Its common sense.

And to suggest that the PS4 doesn't have any games right now is absurd.  I've got about 20 physical releases and about a dozen digital titles which suggest otherwise.  There might not be many games to your individual taste, granted.  But to suggest there isn't any is just plain ignorant.  

Also, 15 million sales seem to dictate that people on a whole, disagree with you also.

He probably means that there is no Mario, Zelda or Smash on the systems and thus no games

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