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padib said:
Soundwave said:
RolStoppable said:

Sorry, moving the goal posts won't fly here.

If your argument is now that not every single game was a hit, then you have none. After all, failure is something that can and has occured with every type of game.

I think my general point is sound ... very, very few developers can consistently create casual games that are hits. 

Some have been able to manage 1-3, but I've yet to see any one developer in the world consistently catch lightning in a bottle time after time after time. 

Because it's not workable. It's like asking a musician to make a Gangam Style viral hit every year ... it's impossible (sorry Psy). 

Michael Jackson, U2, Christopher Nolan, James Cameron, Celine Dion.


Michael Jackson in the 80s and 90s, yes, but by the late 90s his dominance was basically all but over. Most kids don't know who the hell Celine Dion or U2 are today. 

Nintendo has had a great run, but the casual audience is very different. I think we keep trying to pigeon hole them into rules that the core market works under.

It makes sense to us that since Bungie made Halo, that Destiny would be a hit, and lo and behold it is. That makes sense. But the casual market does not give two craps what you made yesterday. Nintendo in a lot of ways simply isn't built for the casual market, it's a fad based market, and Nintendo is not in the business of making fads, they make hit IP which they then carefully manage into mass profit over the next 20-30 years of making sequels. 

Nintendo understands this: Mario is a hit, now we'll make Mario 2, 3, World, Mario 64, etc. etc. and you will like it because we will keep the quality high OK?

Nintendo doesn't understand this: You like Wii Fit, so now we will give you Wii Fit 3 (basically) and the quality will be high. Wait you don't like this anymore? It's boring now? You like Flappy Bird? That game is something our janitor could've farted out in a weekend ... please try Tomodachi Collection.