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padib said:
Soundwave said:

You can be mad at me, but I'm just stating the truth. 

If Zombi U was any kind of success, Ubi Soft would be making Zombi U-2. No third party in this business turns down a chance to whore out any reasonably successful IP like crazy. 

Wii U is a sales dud and its a software sales dud too, even Nintendo is having huge headaches selling differing types of software on it, which is fairly predictable.

When you whittle your userbase down from 60 million (NES) to 49 million (SNES) to eventually 22 million with the GameCube and now we're down all the way to probably 18-20 million LTD for Wii U ... this type of contraction is natural. You have lost big chunks of your fanbase that would buy differing types of games in the past (ie: Street Fighter and Contra and Megaman and other third party IPs once upon a time were dominant on Nintendo platforms, new IP like Star Fox or GoldenEye could be multi-million sellers, those days are long over now). Wii generation was about a 4-year craze that has now fizzled into nothing. 

You are stating bias. The U can sell games, but it has to be games that compel WiiU owners of prospective owners. That is the truth.

Your ZombiU argument is bad because ZombiU sold well. If the profits were inadequate, that is a budgetting issue, not an issue with whoring or anything like that.

WiiU is not a sales dud, the great games are selling on it. Were Nintendo to actually make more good games, those would sell. People understood a long time ago that Wii Sports and other cash grabs were shit and stopped buying them, it has nothing to do with the U.

The home consoles you mention are a bad argument. You know full well how successful a Nintendo console can be without the Wii hype. Look at the portables line. They sell great because they offer great games.

That's the model to look at to see how the U could actually be a success. In the meantime you are looking at all the ways it and other Nintendo home consoles were failures and that is what is blinding you. Despite you being an advocate for the unified API and library for gen 9, the obvious saving grace for Nintendo (a decent software library), you will insist to doom the U.

What can I tell you? You are not stating truth you are stating bias.

That's your opinion, I think the mediocre numbers the Wii U has put up speak for themselves (both in software and hardware). 

If Sony's console userbase got whittled down to only 18-20 million users as Nintendo is tracking to, they would have the same issues too, so it's not just a "Nintendo thing". 

This is what happens when you go from systems that used to sell 33-65 million and collapse down to 20 million or even less (quite possibly) with the Wii U. 

You are left with an audience base that doesn't buy much of anything other than a very narrow grouping of software. Same thing happened with Sega on the Dreamcast, they could not get games like Jet Set Radio and Shenmue and others to sell, even though Sonic did pretty good. 

The mass market does not want a Wii U. 

I get that the online community for the Wii U is vocal, but just because they make a big fuss doesn't mean they can back up their talk with any actual action. NeoGaf is the biggest online gaming community, and even that is like 130,000 users (probably a lot of multiple accounts and about 1/3 of those people post almost exclusively on the non-gaming side of the board). 

That is nothing in the grand scheme of things.