Avenging Angel Gets IndieGoGo Campaign, To Be Ported Over To Unity 5
Dark Amber Softworks announced today Avenging Angel’s Indiegogo Campaign. The team aims to raise €12,5K in the next 43 days for its first game, and has also announced that it will port the game to Unity 5. Continue reading
Elite: Dangerous Releases On December 16th, Single-Player Missions Available On November 26th
Frontier Developments held its Elite: Dangerous Premiere event at RAF Duxford Imperial War Museum on November 22nd, where it officially closed the game’s Beta process, released the final Gamma development build, and launched the official Elite: Dangerous iOS companion app. Continue reading
theHunter: Primal Announced – Stand-alone Expansion For theHunter That Lets You Hunt Dinosaurs
Expansive Worlds and Avalanche Studios revealed today that a stand-alone expansion for their F2P title, theHunter, is planned for release in a couple of weeks. theHunter: Primal will feature dinosaurs to hunt down, and will be released before Christmas. And yes, you read that right; dinosaurs are coming to theHunter. Continue reading
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