Team Fortress 2 update brings tweaks to pl_upward, improves client stability
Did you know? On the consoles, there’s a carbonite version of Team Fortress 2 that plays exactly the same way now as it did in 2007. Imagine that. Over here, it’s been onwards and upwards for the past seven years - a cycle of perpetual improvement for one of the best first-person shooters on PC.
It’s been four years since the Engineer Update that introduced Upward as a Payload map, for instance - but Valve are still trimming and weeding, and bettering the performance of the game overall.
Gearbox talk Tales from the Borderlands: "We're not writing the dialogue because Telltale's better at that"
Like Ken Watanabe watching his radioactive eggs, we like to keep an ear trained on the noises emanating from our Fraser’s study. Wailings, cacklings and chatterings are all par for the course, but our watchman last night reported something highly irregular: giggling.
Fraser’s been busy reviewing the first episode of Tales from the Borderlands, see - and it seems that Telltale’s first concerted effort at funny in quite some time has paid off. Until it arrives, we can sustain ourselves gnawing on interview snippets with the top brass at Gearbox.
DayZ devs tackle server performance and security ahead of Christmas break
Bohemia know that it wasn’t the bicycles or iffy third-person camera that made DayZ mod so compelling, nor anything captured in the fanmade, single player MiniDayZ. Instead, it was the chance meeting of two players in a context bubbling with uncertainty.
One of their goals over the year’s remaining weeks is to scrape away anything that might obscure that interaction - connection issues, crashes and whathaveyou.
Skyforge is an MMO where halfway in you become a god
Skyforge’s endgame is different to other MMOs. Whereas in World of Warcraft you max out your level and play raids with your friends and in Guild Wars 2 you can take part in world vs world PvP, in Skyforge you become the god to a cult of NPC followers and try to take over the world.
Introducing Gameport: the oddest game incubator in Europe
Business developer and PR person Johan Toresson will tell you that he doesn’t fit the archetypal image for either of his job titles. Scrawled inscriptions cover the visible portion of his neck, and tattoos travel up and down his arms. He looks, by his own description, like he’s “been in prison”.
This is the man working to create an eccentric creative hub for indies on the southern coast of Sweden - a business incubator for developers as literate in Third-Wave Feminism as they are C++.
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