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starcraft said:
RubberWhistleHistle said:
here barges in conegamer to ruin everyones fun.

anyways, i would say the black girl one.

Whatever do you mean?


every time i make a thread, conegamer finds it within minutes and locks it. i made an awesome thread about my top ten games of all time, everyone was having fun, there was no violence whatsoever, then CONEGAMER finds it and says as soon as it gets to fifty posts he is locking it. well, it got to fifty then he locked it. a few weeks pass by and i repost it, cleverly waiting until it said that he wasnt online, and then of course he ends up finding it and locks it. then bans me. also, every time i get banned its cone gamers fault. he has banned me literally as many as 6 or 7 times for quote trees, and banned me probably another five times for various things. he gets enjoyment out of it. i dont think i have ever gotten banned by another mod. maybe just one. 

also, last week i made an awesome thread about how the ps4 is just two ps3s duct taped together, and everyone was having fun, again with NO violence whatsoever, and conegamer finds it and locks it. for no reason. even though everyone was having a good time and making me laugh.  (for example: what do you get if you duct tape a nintendo 64 to a ps3). sure, there was no "point" i guess to the thread. but everyone was having fun and then he always comes in and ruins it. 

one time after messaging him, he did let me repost a thread that he locked, so that was cool, but i wish more tahn anything that my top ten games list thread could be reposted because it was funny and everybody thought it was hilarious.

that was the thread.